Body Feminization / Masculinization
Conveniently located to serve Washington DC, Arlington, Bethesda

Changing your body shape can be achieved to give your figure a more masculine or feminie appearance.
For body masculinization surgery, most often liposuction is performed to the abdomen, love handle area, hip area, mons pubis and outer and possibly inner thigh area. This removes fat from the typical feminine fat deposit areas and straightens your body’s contour to minimize the hourglass shape. Pectoralis implants or other muscle implants can be used in certain cases.
For body feminization surgery – The waistline and trunk are often shaped with liposuction. This can create curves and a more feminine appearance. The harvested fat is often processed and used to augment the hips and or buttock area. Breast implants may also be placed at that surgery or another one. We also use body implants in some patients to augment the hip or buttock area, if needed. Rib removal can also be performed, but is painful and has some additional risks.
Before & After

Dr. Praful Ramineni
Plastic Surgeon in Washington D.C.

Dr. Ramineni is the founder of District Plastic Surgery. He is board certified and has over 15 years of experience in plastic and reconstructive surgery. He started his career as one of the busiest surgeons at Medstar Washington Hospital Center with a focus on complex reconstructive surgery including cancer and trauma reconstruction, microsurgery and aesthetic surgery.

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